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Mechanisms to ensure local planning decisions help nature

Case Studies | Published  31 March 2022

Sheffield has declared a nature emergency and is working to ensure that local planning decisions help nature to recover. 


This article is over 2 years old.

Sheffield has declared a nature emergency and is working to ensure that local planning decisions help nature to recover.

It’s developing a comprehensive biodiversity action plan to provide a vision and roadmap for Sheffield’s environment, which will include: 

  • Nature Recovery Networks, in line with a call by Eating Better member, the Wildlife Trusts for housing developments to be located in areas which are less important for nature.
  • This will highlight areas where ecosystem connectivity is poor and where to target ecological management and funding from Biodiversity Net Gain.
  • Updated habitat and species plans that link to the Local Plan and the Outdoor City.
  • Green and Open Spaces Strategy and Trees and Woodland Strategy 
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