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Statement of funding policy

About us

Eating Better is an alliance for change of 60 organisations working to accelerate the transition from producing and eating too much meat and dairy to a fairer, healthier and more sustainable food system that is better for people, animal welfare and for nature.

We are a UK registered independent charity overseen by a Board of Trustees and professionally managed. 

Our funding policy

We raise funds for our work from our supporter organisations, trusts and foundations, and individuals. We do not seek or accept funds directly from commercial organisations. Trustees are responsible for approving all major grant applications.

Why do we have a policy?

A main element of our Better By Half Roadmap is holding key actors (government, food retailers and producers) to account in the effort to stimulate a 50% reduction in meat and dairy consumption in the UK by 2030, and for a transition to ‘better’ meat and dairy as standard. In order to be effective in this, it is essential that we maintain our independence. We therefore do not accept funding from any organisation that may (or may be perceived to) compromise the integrity and credibility of our work. 

The UK Charity Commission recommends that charities have defensible, accountable and transparent funding policies. For Eating Better, this means being honest about who funds us and ensuring that our fundraising follows ethical considerations and UK charity regulations (Fundraising Code of Practice).


Our current funders are listed on our website.

Financial Transparency

As a UK registered charity our accounts are audited, publicly available here and overseen by our Board of Trustees. 

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